Saturday, February 21, 2009

I did study. I swear.
I studied:
Topic 1: The Structure of the Events Industry
Topic 2: Principles of Project Management
Topic 3: Planning Process & Tools for Managing Events
Topic 3 Part 2.

But it doesn't assure me that I will do well for this paper although I am only left with 2 topics to study.
I took like less than 2hrs to complete the abovementioned topics.

Anyway I am left with only a few levels of Sally's Salon.
And then I can move on to Sally's Spa.
Although I played both of them like 3 times before.

OMG. A added me on Facebook. (I checked it in my email.)
I am so freaked out.
Why the hell is he sooo persistent.
And I cannot rant about him all the time because someone who reads my blog knows him and might guess who am I talking about.
Oh shite.
I just had a freaky thought.
I hope he doesn't find my blog.
I mean if he wouldn't stop trying to talk to me online -- which I ignore, he MIGHT try to find other ways right?

Ohmaan I am so screwed.

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