Wednesday, February 18, 2009


econs is like finally over
now its left with project management
after that i am free to
1)mass download songs again.
2)download all the movies i want to watch.
3)read great expectations and emma.(i read them halfway and totally forgot about it)
4)find a job?hmm maaaybeee
5)chat with Franko and maybe Pascal.
6)go shopping! =)
8)get a new phone!

and other things which i know i want to do but somehow cannot remember now.

i cannot sleep so i decided to go online
was chatting with I a minute ago
but he decided to go to sleep so i'm left with no one to chat to now
damn good laa sleep so early for whaat??
hmm maybe i shall go msg him and disturb his sleep.
i do not understand why people go to sleep so early.

i hope A or H won't decide to chat with me.
or else i wouldnt know how to brush them off.

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