Wednesday, January 28, 2009

came home damn early today
it was super wasted going to school today cause i do pretty much nothing
emc just do speech
and econs supposed to do tutorial but since dont need to hand in and its all in the notes its a waste of ink to write the answers down

i have like 3 presentations and 1 report due on the same day which is next tuesday
and yup havent started on any of them
1)IDEAS presentation
2)EMC presentation
3)AVS presentation
4)AVS report
starting on IDEAS and AVS tomorrow

ohh yaa tomorrow will be a busy day for me
8am-10am:discussion for AVS
10am-12pm:ECONS makeup lecture
12pm-2pm:AVS lecture
2pm-4pm:EMC lesson
4.30pm:AVS practical(to be confirmed)
6pm:FO dance camp meeting
i'll probably be dead when i come home 2mr!

i really hate megaupload
its stopping me from watching all the shows i wanna watch
i just downloaded raise your voice
trying to find a better quality twilight
cuz the one i have is very blur and the part where they were kissing on the bed was cut off
haha horny me=)
ohh and finding website to read lisi harrison books
i just realised that there is like 9 books in total and i have only 3
should i get some work done today??
hmm maybe not =)

i have photos from the engagement that i went last sunday
but i am damn lazy to upload as i havent resize them
and i just realised i put on hold changing my blogskin for sooo looong already
i'm getting really fond of this one
just bear with it people =)

okaay i'm finding F really cute
NOO not the one ending with I!!!!
the name ends with H!
saw him at fc1 just now
and i dont know whether he saw me or not
my sis,who went crazy over him the first time she saw his picture,told me i was very seeelooowww to realise it now =)
ohh well..

ok bye =)

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