Sunday, January 04, 2009

since i'm so free....

1) Are you single - Ya. I don't like this boyfriend thing
2) Are you happy - Most of the time
3) Are you bored - Yes. Extremely.
4) Are you fair - No. I don't like fair skin.
5) Are you Italian - Maybe.
6) Are you intelligent - Of course.
7) Are you honest - Most of the time
8) Are you nice - If i feel like it.
9) Are you Irish - No.
10) Are you Asian - Should be.

1) Full name - Ili Nadiah Bte Jamaluddin
2) Nicknames - Countless. But I'm fine with Nadiah
3) Birthplace - In a hospital
4) Hair colour - Black.
5) Natural hair style - Straight. It only became curly in P6. Do not ask me why.
6) Eye colour - Black.
7) Birthday - 220891
8) Mood - Lethargic.
9) Favourite colour -Black, Purple, Red
10) One place you'd like to visit - Paris.

1) Have you ever been in love - No.
2) Do you believe in love at first sight - Yes.
3) Do you currently have a crush? - Err yaa countless. Yus can testify.
4) Have you ever been hurt emotionally - No.
5) Have you ever broken someone's heart - Think so.
6) Have you ever had your heart broken - No.
7) Have you ever liked someone but never told them - I cant possibly tell ALL my crushes. There are too many of them.
8) Are you afraid of commitment - No. But I don't like it.
9) Who was the last person you hugged - Dance ppl. Cant remember who was the last i hugged.
10) Who was the last person you said I love you to? - Robert Pattinson.

1) Love or lust - Lust. I don't fall in love.
2) Hard liquor or beer - Neither. But beer reminds me of kopitiam, balding apeks and sleazy beer girls.
3) Cats or dogs - Neither. I don't like animals.
4) A few best friends or any regular friends - Lots of friends.
5) Creamy or Crunchy - Creamy.
6) Pencil or Pen - Pen.
7) Wild night out or romantic night in - Depends with who.
8) Money or Happiness - Money AND happiness.
9) Night or day - Night.
10) IM or phone - Phone.

1) Been caught sneaking out - No.
2) Seen a polar bear - Yaa. That's what zoos are for.
3) Done something you regret - Yes.
4) Bungee jumped - No. Haven't got the time.
5) Eaten food that fell on the floor - NO.
6) Finished an entire jaw breaker - Yes.
7) Been caught naked - NOOOO.
8) Wanted an ex bf/gf back - No. I don't like commitments, remember??
9) Cried because you lost a pet - Refer to TEN THIS OR THAT. Question 3.
10) Wanted to disappear - No.

1) Smile or eyes - Both.
2) Light or dark hair - Dark.
3) Hugs or kisses - I don't like mushy stuffs too.
4) Shorter or taller - Taller. Any guy above 16 who is shorter than 156 is retarded.
5) Intelligence or attraction - Both.
6) Topman or Zara - Topman.
7) Funny or serious - Both at appropriate times.
8) Older or Younger - Older. I don't need a younger brother.
9) Outgoing or quiet - Outgoing. Quiet is retarded.
10) Sweet or Bad - Both.

1) Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yes.
2) Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - Ya. Who hasn't?
3) Ever tried walking on your hands - No. I feel retarded not having my feet on the ground.
4) Ever been to a rock concert - Yes.
5) Ever been on a cheerleading team - No.
6) Ever been on a dance team - Yes. SDZ!!!
7) Ever been on a sports team - Sports day counted? If it is then, yes. Street bandy and running.
8) Ever been in a drama play/production - Yes.
9) Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - No. I don't like cars either.
10) Ever been in a rap video? - No. Neither do I like rap songs.

1) Last phone call you made - I rarely make phone calls.
2) Last person you hugged - Refer to TEN THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE. Question 9.
3) Last person you hung out with - Yus.
4) Last time you worked - 31st March 2008. Work means with pay.
5) Last person you talked to - Elder sis.
6) Last person you IM'd - I.
7) Last person you texted - Yus.
8) Last person(s) you went to the movies with - Dance people.
9) Last person/thing you missed - Flakes.
10) Last website visited -

1) Yusniza
2) Qide
3) Sabrina
4) Aznita
5) Jamieng
6) Jamiesek
7) Janice
8) Liern
9) Joanne
10) Cherie

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