Sunday, December 28, 2008

soo long since i last blog
connection problem!
so anws..schools gonna strt real soon
no more waking up late
but mon starts ad 1 so yaa can still wake up late!!

i was supposed 2 stay ad home
n unknowingly my mum said dat we r goin 2 my grandma's hse
missed SDZ xmas party 4 tis??
but anws tried 2 hav fun
my cousins were hilarious! =))
love them all
except one oops

okaay i THOUGHT i was staying at home
but no
my mum decided dat we all go 2 an excursion 2 hortpark!
there's alot of stuffs 4 nature loving ppl
but since i'm not i shall just take pictures =)
my mum was supersuper enthu
dunno y!
den dere is tis bridge
super high
n my mum suddenly wanted 2 climb it
so we did =)
omg was damn tired
it was a super loong way up
n d bridge itself was very long
not advisable 4 those who are scared of heights cuz d holes of d wood tingy making d bridge dat we are walking on is super big
den dunno how we ended up to bukit chandu
n my cousin got soo fascinated by the british army figurines.
he kept on asking me abt d japan n british
thank gawd i noe my history
then we went to eat ad queensway
n my mum wanted to find schoolbag 4 my younger sis
n since she said dat my dad gave her money
i made her buy 4 me dickies!!
i was thinking of getting a black plain one
but since regina has dat i wan a different one
bought one black one with coloured polka dots
n comparing it to my nike one
it is super huge!
soo happy
anws deres photos 4 d trip but i havent resize it yet so shall post it another time =))

dance =)
ryan did not come
but kendy led d warmups
did gone 4 awhile
n den we did our dance exam chereo
deres only d bridge part left
like 30secs
but its not an easy thing to do
char n jieling didnt come
so it was me yus n amanda
anws i tink it is ok
just have to let char see =)
urgh its coming up too soon!!!
i hope dat everything goes on ok
anws after dat i was dead tired
was lying down trying to sleep
when my mum suddenly announced that we are all going to marina barrage!!
then she was like haiya can la
so i had to drag myself
it was fun i guess
n s usual my little cousins are hilarious n soo cute!
luckily it was dark n no one can see me
or else soo unglaaam!!
i was playing wit my cousins
n it involves
running ard acting like an aeroplane turning round n round becoming their merry go round
upload d photos another time cuz my sis brought the camera with her n she's out!

downloading twilight soundtrack!
hehe =))
n the veronicas songs are all kinda nice =))
ok tata!

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