Tuesday, December 30, 2008

first day of school after 3 wks of hols yo
am seriously not in d mood
i came out early but dunno y i reach late =(
underlined random stuffs in my econs notes
n talked all d way during PM
oh got bck my results n i gt a B-
ok i guess
considering dat i never ever pay attention 4 d lectures
alvena must have played a huge part in me getting at least a B

anws after dat dere was dance
dance exam this sat yo
i think dat our piece is turning out fine
except 4 sum parts
u know i know yus!
so ya
char managed 2 get d steps 2dae
well most of it although she looks super blur half d time

went home n just only missed my little nyonya
den ate maggi
ya i noe damn unhealthy n it was oredi like 11pm
bur heck cares
yus fault!

i looovee my new dickies
compared to my old nike backpack it is super huge
n i looovee paramore =)
havent got time to upload it 2 my phone though
n i probably havent listen to half d songs dat i download
too many

cant wait 4 new year's day cuz i'm invited to an exclusive picnic party =))
know wad, D Q W n G???
my mum say she wan reply to d invite!
but she'll probably 4get abt it
ohh n deres a high possibilty dat i can go =))
although she havent give me d final answer s she wans 2 bring us shopping actually =)

avs presentation!

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